About the artist
June Krinsky-Rudder uses a variety of media in her art. She began as a painter, but realized early on that a single medium was not sufficient for expressing all her ideas.
Her work is organic, mostly inspired by water and universal structures that exist in nature. She enjoys exploring the expressive qualities inherent in her materials, stretching their physical properties to capture fluidity and forms such as river deltas, marshes, tree roots, branches, neurons, and dendrites.
Krinsky-Rudder works in both 2 and 3 dimensions. Her methods and techniques vary as she incorporates both traditional and unusual mediums. She enjoys exploring new materials, bright colors, and composition, and her love of play is evident in her work and process. Her work evolves over time - some pieces taking years to complete and others finished in just a few hours or so.
She states, “While I am working I have no sense of time…I just focus on the act of creating and let my art lead me where it will”.

About my process